Saturday, November 8, 2008

Welcome to my ASLMom2Mom

Question for the week, Nov 8 - 15 How do you celebrate your Thanksgiving day? Any specific rituals? Family traditions?

Quote of the week: "Of all rights of women, the greatest is to be mother." Lin Yutang


DeafMom3 said...

Since my mom passed away, it will be our 3rd Thanksgiving on our own. My dad goes to his girlfiend's family for the dinner and my brother to his wife's family as well.

It's just 5 of us, the core family. We just started doing the Thanksgiving journal last year. We all write down of what we're thankful for. Now it's sitting on the fireplace mantle for us to jot down on the Thanksgiving day.
We also do the Christmas tree decoration after the Thanksgiving dinner or the next day (depending on our mood).

Thanks, Kim

PS: Do you shop on the black Friday??

Anonymous said...

hi! enjoyed this vlog!

Since we do not celebrate Christmas, we give out gifts of thanks to our extended family.

We also deep-fry our turkey. :-) I think I have not met one person who ate our turkey and was able to go back to baked turkey. :-)

WholeJess said...

Kim! So glad you're "back"! Well...we are a Military Family, so our celebration is different every year. Sometimes we fly/drive back to MO or AZ to be with extended family. Two years ago I made all the fixn's(FOR THE FIRST TIME)and we invited single Marines over for food, and FOOTBALL. This year I'll be cooking for several Gallaudet students that would be on campus otherwise.

I LOVE your journal idea...and I will steal it now. It's so important for our children to understand what it is we celebrate. My memories as a child have always included family and friends(lots of them). Perhaps that is why I love to invite so many over to my house as an adult now. As a young, single Marine I was often away from home for the Holidays...I remember the families that made me a part of their's. I'm thankful for having loving friends that desire to share the love of God!

mishkazena said...

What a novel idea. I'll be looking forward to this blog.

Deb Ann and Hannah said...

I truly enjoyed your vlog! ASLmom2mom is cool. I thought it's so nice.

Believe it or not,
we usually go to Thanksgiving Dinner at my brother, Ron's house with his family. But this year, it's changed because his wife's whole family finally are able to get together on Thanksgiving for 18years! My deaf brother, Ray usually rather to stay at home with his roommate and friends for their own Thanksgiving. My youngest brother, John and his wife are staying with her family on every Thanksgiving, so they will stay with us, a whole family on Christmas. As for us, we have not decided anything about Thanksgiving. Should we do it on our own..with our core family..or should we go to my husband's brother's family. We haven't talked about it yet.
We will set up a Christmas tree a day after Thanksgiving.
I'll let you know how we do on our Thanksgiving.

You, all have a great Thanksgiving Day! ;)

Anonymous said...

Wow fantastic idea!

I am grandmother now, I am sure it applies to me, right. Yes? Long distance grandma. Yes?
Respect, diverse, love, support, ASL, unique gathering here... all more reason to jump the bandwagon.

My thanksgiving celebration will be at my dear friend and will end up with hiking the mountain. Though I will be with mom and sister for Christmas. We celebrate the American way. I suppose.
My granddaughter will be loved, patted, held,& showcased all over in Michigan. *nodding-understanding*

I will check back with this website from time to time. You have a great Thanksgiving!

Anonymous said...

Gobble Gobble to you all!!!

Thanks for sharing your stories! I just googled and saw few neat ideas for us the families/friends at the Thanksgiving table.

With a plain table cloth, the family & friends write their "gratitude" notes with the fabric markers (Have them sign their names & date). The tablecloth can be used again and again for next few years till it's all full. Then, the host can get a new tablecloth to continue the tradition. I thought it wd be fun for us to do that at home.

A game for us to try this year: Family Trivia. Sharing the memories with date/background information. Remember when...
we got married, our basement was flooded, I got broken leg, we went to the camping in _____, and so forth. It will help all of us to appreciate our time being together. It also will bring out lots of laughters if we include the family secrets (when the toilet is broken because of ____), and etc..

Have a WONDERFUL thanksgiving!!

LS ~ Yep, you as grandma are more than welcome to join!! Smile, glad to see you! WOW, I love the idea going out for a hike on the mountain after the big dinner. Maybe we can try to hike at a tall hill here in Kansas, ha. Enjoy your baby granddaughter on the Turkey day!

DeafMom3 said...

Oops.. I forgot the password after I posted the previous message as Anonymous. Geez, it's the sign of my age? ha,

Thanks for the patience

DeafMom3 said...

One more question:

Do you shop on the Black Friday?

I did get up wayy early at 4AM and arrived at the ToyRus at 4:30ish.. There was a loonnggg line of people standing and waiting to go in store. Finally, the store opened its doors at 5 AM. To my disappointment, I was not able to browse all kinds of toys. The specific toys (that they adversited for the sale) were lined up along the hallways. At the end, I did save $$$

I also shopped at other stores till 10 AM. It was nice to get the stuff at reduced cost.

I'm not sure if I want to do this again this year. Maybe I will just go on the on-line and order stuffs.

WII ~ any one of you have Wii at home? How do your kids like it? You play with it? Ron and I are thinking about getting the ONE & BIG toy for all kids, the Wii and plus some accessories & games. And, we want to be sure that our $ will be well-spent and have the kids playing with it for many hours for the year of 2009.

Thanks, Kim

Jamine Ford said...

I have the WII game system for my daughter. She loves it so much and it is worth and very excrise and it is FUN game. I wish I can play but No time as I have youngest children to take care so hopeful I can play with WII system soon!.. It is very worth. Suggest buy online not at Store it is sold fast for the black friday!.

I will choose WII over play station or x-box 360 due of voilence.

hope i can help you out!

Anonymous said...

:-) No, I don't really shop on black friday... I'm usually stuck at home making beignets (louisiana food) with the remaining oil.

I'm a very very frugal shopper- love to shop off ebay or craigslist so sometimes I figure i save money that way than go shopping on black friday. :-)

Anonymous said...

Agreed with Jamine's comment

I do have Wii at home. I always play with my two boys (11 and 8 years old) It is too addict to play Wii.

I am thinking about buying 'Wii fit' for my wife. :)

Mark with my words, go and buy Wii for your family.

Anonymous said...

Hi Kim,

Good to "see" u again! Enjoy viewing your vlogs again. Abt Thanksgiving, I often read books to my kids about that special holiday. I have one book that we write every year of what we thank for.


WholeJess said...

Looks like our plans our changing...we'll actually be in your neck of the woods if you're up for another IHOP breakfast!! :-)

Anonymous said...

ASLJess! Sure, we can get together for the IHOP breakfast next week! Contact me at Facebook! Have a safe trip from East!